

    Brendon:"I guess it's just us." Spencer: "It always has been" (Biggest fuck you to Ryan and Jon, ever?!)

The two ghosts at the beginning are Ryan and Jon, and the where ever Brendon and Spencer are going symbolizes the future of P!ATD. The fact that they're leaving is them moving on, getting past the split, and going on to something better. The luggage is all of the things holding them back. Whether it's memories of the old band or people telling them what to do, and the people coming with them are their fans. The fact that some of them leave shows that not all of the fans would stay after the split, but they would still power through it. The ballerina is the old P!ATD, and it's fighting to come back and not die out, and since Brendon was with her and obviously attached to her, he was trying to save it too. It soon turned on him and Spencer saved him. Brendon's still there so the ballerina will always be in his heart, as will the old P!ATD. So yeah, this thing is pretty much about the split.

But, here's Panic!'s explanation but shorter:

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